Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Block Lottery

The Norwegian Quilt Association is celebrating their 20th anniversery in April 2008. They arrange courses, have speakers, exhibition and outlets. They also have a quilt block lottery. You make a block, and that represents at ticket in the lottery. You can win enough block for a whole quilt. What a cool idea!

I have made 3 Jubileum II blocks to enter in the lottery. The blocks to make are described in the 4th 2007 issue of their magazine "Norsk Quilteblad". Hope they get accepted and bring me luck!

I hope I will get into one og the courses as well, waiting in suspense for confirmation...


Lappedamen said...

Hei Mona,
Jeg skal også på årsmøtet i Norsk Quilteforening. Har ikke laget noen blokker til blokklotteriet, men kanskje jeg bør gjøre det. Har laget et teppe til konkurransen. Jeg skal være med fra lørdag til søndag.

Quiltemarerittet said...

Fine blokker!Skal se til å få laget noen selv.For til Olavsgård skal jeg!