Love these felted seat warmers!
I used 8 balls (400 grams) of "Naturgarn" (wool, needle 9 mm, 10 stitches = 10 cm). This yarn is cheap and good for these type of projects. (NOK 16,50 at e.g. Maud's Yarn)
When knitting I used two strands of yarn, and 10 mm knitting needles. Cast on 50 stitches loosely. Knit until you have a little more than half left of your two last balls. Cast off the middle 20 stitches Cast on loosely 20 stitches on the next needle. Cast off loosely when running out of yarn.
Felt the warmers:
I used a delicate cycle on 40 degrees C. Throw in a small towel to help the felting process.
Stretch to shape when done and lay flat to dry.
I have also made these seat warmers with another yarn successfully; Rosendahl ( from the Nille shops, produced by Gjestal). It is slightly more expensive (NOK 25) and requires to cast on 60 stitches. The one in the picture below is very wide to fit the bench (80 stitches).
Why don't you make one in time for Easter? I love to see the result!